Lead Service Line Inventory Deadline Approaching!

Rural Water News,


Community and Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems that do not have a completed inventory by the deadline may have improvement priority system (IPS) points added by EPA. Enforcement actions by EPA may follow. 

Our Lead Service Inventory Guidance is available to help you through this process. This inventory will form a crucial part of Utah’s efforts to replace 100% of lead service lines. 

Funding an Issue? We can help

We have two funding sources available to assist in completing your inventories. Learn which funding option is best for you. Apply soon to ensure funding.

Customer Outreach Toolkit

We have created a toolkit with pre-made outreach materials to help your water system communicate with your customers in the process of identifying service line materials. Use our online form, door hanger, and letter templates to encourage homeowners to look at their water line and report their findings to you. 

Questions or concerns about the toolkit? Help make it better by letting us know what you think.

Service Line Public Notification Template

Use our public notification templates to notify customers served by lead, galvanized or unknown service lines. The notification is due November 15, 2024. Water systems have until November 25, 2024, to submit a certificate of delivery for the public notification to DDW.

Submitting your inventory

The detailed inventory template and the Non-Lead form are the only accepted options for submitting your inventory. The portal is now live and accepting inventory templates, see instructions on portal submission or if the Non-Lead Form is a better fit for your system.

Looking Ahead

Additional inventory requirements are being considered in the EPA’s proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements

For more information contact LeadInventory@utah.gov or visit LCRR.utah.gov

  1. What you should know: The above message was written by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). We fully endorse their recommendations and encourage you to review their important insights.