The Rural Water Association of Utah (RWAU) has teamed up with the Utah Division of Water Resources and the Utah Division of Drinking Water to bring you an annual Water Conservation Certification opportunity.
The Water Conservation Certification course runs for two days, with an exam on the second day. Once you pass the exam you will have obtained your water conservation certification, which is renewable every 3 years.
By obtaining this certification you will become knowledgeable in the following:
- Creating a culture of conservation - Preparing a Water Conservation Plan
- Water system efficiency - Conducting a water loss audit
- Metering / Measuring - pros & cons
- How to start your own water check program - How to implement your own water conservation program
- Creating / Amending conservation ordinances
- Customer / Public relations & communication - Talking to the public about the knowledge and material available
- Water conservation pricing and budgeting / Landscape watering times
- Setting up a leak detection program
- The impact of water conservation on wastewater systems
- How water conservation affects your water rights
- Secondary Systems - pros & cons
You may obtain Water Conservation CEUs by attending the following upcoming trainings:
- Utah Division of Water Resources holds a Water Conservation spring forum each spring in May where you can earn Conservation CEUs for attending.
- RWAU will be holding a free Water Conservation CEU Training on October 08, 2024. You can attend this training either online or in-person and earn up to 0.6 CEUs.
- RWAU holds a Water Conservation Certification training and testing opportunity each year. You can attend this event to certify initially, or to earn 1.2 CEUs toward an existing certification. More details on the upcoming Water Certification Training can be found on RWAUs Training Calendar page linked below.
The Water Conservation Certification Exam is an online, open book exam consisting of 50 multiple choice questions. The exam cost is $150 and is available at the end of each Water Conservation class. You have 2 hours to complete the exam. At the end of two hours, all unanswered questions are marked incomplete, and the exam is closed. A score of at least 70% is required to pass. One free retake is included with the initial exam fee. If you do not pass on both of these attempts, you would need to pay the exam fee again.
You can attend other conservation-related courses and get credit for those by submitting the form below. Get CEU credit for attendance at a Conservation related class such as
- Conference classes
- Webinars (Only 0.4 Webinar CEUs can count towards the 1.8 required CEUs during the 3 year period)
- Trainings (outside of the training opportunities listed above)
After you obtain your certification, you will be certified for a three year period. This three year period begins the January following the date you obtained your certification. The certification expiration date will be the last day of December, ending your three-year certification period. You will be able to renew your certification by paying the $100 renewal fee & acquiring & submitting the required 1.8 CEUs.