The staff of the Rural Water Association of Utah (RWAU) provides training and technical assistance as well as management and financial assistance to water and wastewater systems in Utah that are under 10,000 population. RWAU is a nonprofit association with hundreds of systems as members and hires only experienced water and wastewater professionals, averaging more than 18 years in the industry, with convenient access to industry experts. Training and on-site work supported by a series of State and Federal contracts and grants that promote safe water for our communities. We are also funded by our membership.
The Rural Water field staff provides one-on-one on-site assistance with no charge to the system. A few examples of our services:
Drinking Water: Operation and maintenance, line location, leak detection, meter testing, treatment, chlorination, wells, , etc. Specialized technical assistance is provided to small systems that are not in compliance with the Utah drinking water regulations.
Wastewater: Treatment processes, chlorination, safety, profiling of lagoons, discharge monitoring reports, collection systems, operation and maintenance, .
Management-Mayors, Councils, Boards: Rate structuring, impact fees, grants and loans, ordinances and resolutions, bylaws, public relations, security planning and vulnerability assessments, conservation.
Source Water Protection Planning: Identifying potential sources of contamination, designing a protection plan that addresses your specific needs.
Consumer Confidence Reports: Template on disk and assistance in understanding and filling out your Consumer Confidence Report, report for a small layout fee in a pleasing form for distribution to customers.
Computers: Assistance for small utilities on subjects ranging from billing programs to compliance reporting problems.
Legislative Monitoring: Year-round monitoring of legislative action on both the State and Federal levels, updates on bills when water-related issues are up for a vote.
We conduct over 60 training seminars per year throughout Utah. Topics include:
Water: Operator certification, cross-connection control certification, and maintenance, backflow prevention, automatic valve operation, disinfection procedures.
Wastewater: Operator certification, discharge monitoring reports, collection systems, operation and maintenance, treatment processes, chlorination, safety, profiling of lagoons.
Management & Financial: Consumer confidence reports, long-range planning, security planning and vulnerability assessments, water audits and rate structuring, conservation, assistance with regulatory compliance.
Conferences: Our Fall Conference located in northern Utah the week before Labor Day features the latest technology in the industry. Our Annual Conference in southern isolated in Saint George and is recognized as one of the best water conferences in the country.
Discounts for Training for Annual Conference, Northern Conference, Operator Certification Training (water and wastewater), and Cross-connection Control Training (certification and recertification). Discounts apply to every person in your organization.
Publications include our quarterly magazine The Connector and our monthly newsletter The Pump as well as training guides, technical bulletins, state and national publications.
Post Job Openings on our website to find the water and wastewater professionals you are looking for.
Sampling Discounts for water and wastewater by Chemtech Ford Labs.
Scholarship Program for children of employees, board members, and council members of our member systems.
Research Projects for developing solutions to problems and issues concerning rural water and wastewater utilities.
Rural Water Fleet Program grants access to substantial vehicle discounts to fill the need for reliable work vehicles. This program is available to Water and wastewater systems who are current RWAU members.
120Water is partnered with RWAU to grant members access to resources that will help systems come into compliance with the new lead and copper rule.
At Rural Water, we know that providing clean, safe water for our communities, businesses, hospitals, and schools requires a great deal of dedication behind the scenes. We are here to help.
Need some clarification on benefits? Ask us by email or phone.
Email: rwau@rwau.net
Phone: 801-756-5123