• 2023 Meeting Minutes
  • EPA Training Program
  • Revenue, Support, and Gains
  • Expenses
  • USDA Farm Services Source Protection
  • USDA Rural Development
  • State Funded Contracts
  • Conferences
  • Committees


Call to Order

Meeting was called by Kent Barton at 2:26 PM.


Determination of a Quorum

Quorum was determined by President Dale Pierson.

Board: Justin Maughan, Paul Fulgham, Steve McIntosh, Brett Palmer, Luke Thomas, Ryan Goodrich, Kent Barton, Devin Magleby, and Rick Wixom

Others: Dale Pierson, Shannon Rasmussen, Emilie Duersch, Sonia Mull and Voting Members

Meeting was called by Kent Barton at 2:26 PM.


Secretary/Treasurer's Report

Shannon Rasmussen reported RWAUs annual audit which came back clean with no findings for the past year.


Reports of Committees/Directors

Financial: RWAU has additional funds collected over time and are currently in savings, this includes revenue from the sale of the old office. RWAU created a low risk investment account to generate more revenue with those funds.

Legislative:  Representatives went to DC to meet with Congress to discuss the needs of association and its members.

In the State legislature there were a little under 900 bills followed; 30 bills related to water.


New Business

The annual report booklet outlines RWAU activities from the previous year. The association provided record operator certification and testing opportunities. RWAU staff improved programs that were lacking, and provided funding opportunites for systems.

The State was blessed with a very good winter, but this creates a lot more work for our operators. The work that the operators of this state do is quite amazing.

Conference this year was the biggest yet and one of the biggest in the US. The fact that we are successful is partially due to our board members, our staff, but, it is mostly due to our members. Without our members supporting us and needing us, we don’t exist. Thank you for all your efforts.

Water Taste Test

There were 44 samples brought to the conference this year and they were narrowed down to 3. Judging is based on taste, clarity, and smell.

Water Taste Test Judges

Judge #1: Charles Stevens, NRWA

Judge #2: Michelle Weaver, USDA Rural Development

Judge #3: Anthony Prince, NRWA

Taste Test Winners


Timber Lakes Water


West Bountiful City


Eagle Mountain City

Scholarship Winners

The two recipients: Melissa Jackson from Layton City and Nathan Brown from Beaver City.

Election of Directors

District 1 - Paul Fulgham

Motion made by Blake Anderson from West Bountiful Water. Seconded by Paul Ashton from White City Water. Motion carried.

District 2 - Brett Palmer

Motion made by Mike Johansen from Cottonwood Mutual Water. Seconded by John Brindle from Salt Lake Co. Service Area 3. Motion carried.

District 3 - Ryan Goodrich

Motion made by Brownie Tomlinson from Ashley Valley Water & Sewer ID. Seconded by Brandon Lamberg from Maser Water. Motion carried.

District 4 - Devin Magleby

Motion made by Mary Winch from Manti City. Seconded by Blake Anderson from West Bountiful Water. Motion carried.

District 5 - Jacob Sharp

Motion made by Paul Ashton from White City Water. Seconded by Blake Anderson from West Bountiful Water. Motion carried.

District 6 - Brett Chynoweth

Motion made by Randy Catmull from Boulder Farmstead Water Co. Seconded by Mike Johansen from Cottonwood Mutual Water. Motion carried.


Program Hours

Operations and Maintenance

55 Hrs

State Revolving Fund

21 Hrs

State Rules and Regulations

16.5 Hrs


14.5 Hrs

Rate Structure

13.5 Hrs

Monitoring and Sampling

7.5 Hrs

Cyber Security

4.5 Hrs

Operator Certification

4.5 Hrs

Management and Finance

4 Hrs


3 Hrs

Lead & Copper

3 Hrs

Ground Water Rule

1.5 Hrs

Public Notice

1.5 Hrs

Federal and State Grants




Membership Dues


Training Fees


Other Income




Total Revenue, Support, and Gains


At Rural Water we take the distribution and reporting of our funds very seriously. We strive for complete financial accountability and transparency.

Salaries and Wages










Office, Rent, and Utilities




Supplies and Materials


Dues, Fees, and Licenses


Legal and Professional






Water Rally








The RWAU Sourcewater Technician works with the DDW to provide assistance to water systems in completing their source protection plans. Additionally, water systems receive assistance in their regularly scheduled source protection plan updates.

Completed Plans


Plans In-Progress


Total On-Site Hours


Total Hours


One of the Wastewater Technician contracts in the USDA Wastewater program was reassigned in September to do a contract that involved in depth plans for systems who had Wastewater collections needs. This new contract is called the USDA Decentralized Wastewater Specialist, and Ron Pierce took on this role. Ron has completed another 57.5 hours of onsite contacts since that time in the new role.

Operations & Maintenance

854.5 Hrs

305.25 Hrs 


381.75 Hrs

196.5 Hrs

Management & Finance

141.5 Hrs

168.5 Hrs


37.5 Hrs

63.25 Hrs

Loan Application

7.25 Hrs

84.5 Hrs

We put on two conferences each year providing training and access to the industry’s newest technologies for the water and wastewater operators in the State of Utah. The Annual Conference is held in southern Utah in February/March each year. This is one of the largest industry conferences in the United States. The Fall Conference, held in Northern Utah at the end of every summer, is a smaller and more intimate conference with more hands-on topics.

Annual Conference





Golf Scramble


Skeet Shoot


Women Working in Water


Fall Conference





The RWAU Board uses several committees to help improve Association activities and events. These committees are made up of Board Members, Staff and System Members. The Board President and Executive Director serve on all committees. Committees serve a two-year term that coordinate with the change of presidency of the Board of Directors. Full committee members can be found on our website: rwau.net/committees

Each committee below lists the Chair and Vice-Chair.